Sunday 27 January 2019

Anterior Cerebral Artery

Anterior Cerebral Artery


Image result for anterior cerebral artery territory

Supplies most of medial surface of cerebral cortex (anterior 3/4), frontal pole and anterior portions of corpus callosum.
Perforating branches supply anterior limb of the internal capsule, inferior portions of caudate head and anterior globus pallidus.

Infarction will potentially cause (mainly) lower limb weakness, incontinence, abulia/motor aphasia, frontal lobe symptoms.

Related image


A1 is the segment originating from the internal carotid artery and extending to the anterior communicating artery. A2 extends from the anterior communicating artery to a region between the rostrum and genu. The A3 segment courses around the genu to the rostral part of the body. A4 and A5 segments are the continuation of the pericallosal artery. 

A1: ICA bifurcation to Acomm (horizontal)
A2: Acomm to origin of CMA around rostrum/genu junction (vertical)
A3: Genu to body of CC (proximal pericallosal)
A4/A5: Continuation of distal pericallosal (directly posterior)

(1) MCA (M4) , (2) MCA (M3) , (3) MCA (M2) , (4) MCA (M1) , (5) LT ICA , (6) LT
MCA , (7) Basilar artery , (8) PCA

NB angiographic sylvian point = apex of fissure sf. skull sylvian point a surface marking for fissure 3cm behind superior portion of zygomatic process



Medial lenticulostriate A.
AComm A.

Recurrent artery of Hubner (= medial striate A.). Supplies head of caudate and anterior limb of IC. (Can be A1 branch)
Orbitofrontal A.
Frontopolar A.

Callosomarginal A. (in cingulate sulcus)
Pericallosal A.
Anterior (internal) frontal A.
Middle (internal) frontal A.
Posterior (internal) frontal A.
Paracentral A.

NB Striatum =  Caudate + IC + lentiform nucleus (which = putamen + GP).

a) Deep (Perforating) Branches :
-Arise from the superior surface of the M1
-They are grouped as the medial & late...

-2D frontal view following left ICA injections ,
these images show an aneurysm in the region
of the left MCA bifurcation/t...

*Arteries to the Parietal & Occipital lobes:
-These run posterior to the sylvian fissure , from
superior to inferior :

1-Orbitofrontal , 2-Prefrontal , 3-Precentral , 4-Central , 5-Anterior parietal , 6-Post
parietal , 7-Angular , 8-Occipito...

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